Newsletter: Issue 3


The 888 Collective Newsletter Issue 3

March 2018

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What have we been up to?

Another busy month brings some more great news! 

We've launched and completed our first 888 Personal Development and Mental Health Awareness Course in partnership with JtDT Training.

We've taken part in an evening of talks and workshops 'Discovering Mental Health Insights' in partnership with Allia Ltd in Cambridge and we are ready to launch our first 88L8's Night!

Personal Development and Mental Health Awareness Program

The 888 course has arrived! We're so pleased to be sharing specific 888 tips and tools to cope with Mental Health Issues along with the essential Personal Development exercises.

Participants were surrounded by inspiring start ups in an engaging and welcoming environment that added significant value to their learning experience. We want to say a massive thank you to the wonderful WeWork in London Fields for providing us with this space.

We're proud to announce 3 further courses are ready to run all taking part at the end of the next three months, with a view to take things national in July!

We've already started reaching out to participants for our April course which will again be hosted by WeWork London Fields.

If you're interested in signing up or just want some more info, read our course page here.

For enquiries please use this email:

Speaking Out

Our founder, Jana, travelled to Cambridge to give a talk and take part in a workshop at the "Discovering Insights for Mental Resilience" event with the Future Business Centre.

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Jana kickstarted the evening with an insightful talk about her personal experiences dealing with mental health issues in a high-pressure working environment and the care and support she received that lead to the creation of The 888 Collective. 

Following a panel Jana lead a workshop focused on sharing personal journeys, exploring mental health triggers and the individual methods used to help manage mental wellbeing.

We'd like to say a huge thank you to Allia and the Future business centre for inviting us to such a positive event!

The 888 Creative Collective

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Our creative network is growing!!!

We really excited to be collaborating with Erica Crompton, founder of this April. Stay tuned for another great interview and more exclusive prints in our shop.

We've also officially launched an online community on facebook for creatives living and working with mental health issues.
> Join here <


What's to come...

Get ready for our exclusive "88L8's! bespoke evenings full of tasty food, socialising and great people!

We're collaborating with creative chefs and quirky cafes to host Pop Up restaurants and events. Our chefs will put together new and exciting menus for each evening and the nights will be fully staffed by 888 Collective members, some of whom will be doing their first shifts! For access to early-bird tickets please subscribe!

Our first 88L8 will be on the 26th of April at Dusty Knuckle, we're looking forward to seeing you there! 


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All sales go towards creating a work opportunity for someone with mental health issues.

To keep up to date with the collective, subscribe to our mailing list and check out our social media channels!

The888Collective Website