
Clare Nash

Clare grew up in Harrow, North London and took to the hospitality industry like a duck to water. With over 15 years experience she will be the linchpin in bringing our cafe/shop to life.

Having put together and led the extraordinary team at The Colonel Fawcett (Camden), who were awarded the prestigious Observer Food Monthly for the best Sunday Roast in the UK 2014, we know we’ll be in safe hands. Clare has also spent time raising money for The WISH Centre and can’t wait to get stuck in. 

“Having suffered with anxiety and depression in the past I know the struggle and fear of just getting out the door and going to work. A workplace that supports mental health is so important, so many stresses and pressures are put on people to perform. For people suffering with mental health issues I think being given the opportunity to work at your own pace in a safe, understanding environment is key to starting to feel like you belong and can move forward in life.

Hospitality is my passion, I’m really looking forward to getting stuck in, working through the challenges that will come about and making sure the working environment and customer experience is the best they can be while both operating in harmony.”


Jana Dowling

Last year after being diagnosed with Bipolar and suffering a depressive episode, Jana was forced to take time off work. On returning, she realised she was only able to do so successfully with the help of her friends and family. They gave her a job and support to get back on her feet. 

With over 10 years experience working across start ups, broadcast TV, publishing and fashion, Jana’s excited about bringing her contacts and skills together to create this enterprise with the sole purpose of ensuring as many people as possible have the same opportunity she was given. 

"The 888 Collective is about having fun and celebrating the beautiful things that mental health issues bring into the world whilst supporting the somewhat more challenging aspects of them.

Having always enjoyed being part of a company, I struggled when I had to take time off for my mental health. The step from being unemployed and unwell to being back in a full and competitive working environment is vast. The only reason I was able to do it was because when I recovering and looking for work a friend gave me a stepping stone by creating a job for me as her PA. 

For the first few months I didn’t input a single meeting into her diary correctly. I definitely created more work for her and the team but instead of embarrassing me or getting annoyed at me, she just kept saying, “it’s ok, just try again”. So I did. The confidence I gained from that time was invaluable. I know how incredibly lucky I was to have been given that support and The 888 Collective has been created with the sole purpose of ensuring as many people as possible have the same opportunity I was given.”